1) How old do you wish you were?
I wish I had just turned 21 again. So I would still be in college, still young and not in the real world yet, having a legitamate reason to go out and party hard all night.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I was in 9th grade. 2nd period History class with my teacher Mr. Tubbs. I remember the class doing a group assignment when our teacher inturrupted us and told us that according to the internet, a plane had crashed into the first tower. Being that I am in New Jersey, many people from my school's parents worked in NYC since we lived so close so there was immediate panic from a majority of the school. Students were crying and calling parents to make sure they were okay. If there was worry or concern for a family memeber, the student was allowed to leave school to go home, but the rest of the students stayed in school watching news coverings of the events in class and discussing the situation. After school ended there was more chaos with people leaving and cell phones were hardly working because so many people were using them. The gymnastics meet that was scheduled for after school was cancelled so as I went outside to wait for my mom to pick me up, I remember the air was different. Since we were so close to NYC we could smell the burning of the buildings and the air was thick with smoke. After I went home, a couple of friends of mine and I went to the top of a mini mountain we have in town where it overlooks NYC. I remember not being able to see anything except a big cloud of smoke over the city, which brought me to tears.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
I attempt to shake the machine but it obviously is too heavy, so then I kick it to try to get a free candy bar.
4) Do you consider yourself kind?
I try to be, to be people who deserve it.
5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
Hidden from plain sight.
6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
I would like to be fluent in Spanish because it would help me out in the hospitality industry, but I would also love to speak French, Italian and I would love to know how to speak Latin.
7) Do you know your neighbors?
Where I currently live in CA: Yes, I know the 3 neighbors across the street from us, Ray, Carlos and that other guy whos name I actually don't know.
8) What do you consider a vacation?
Anything in which I leave the place I currently am in and where I relax, go out and sleep late.
9) Do you follow your horoscope?
Yes I do, I am a Taurus. I am a full blown Taurus.
10) Would you move for the person you loved?
I would. In a heartbeat, as long as the love was real.
11) Are you touchy feely?
Not really. Not in public, but only when its necessary.
12) Do you believe that opposites attract?
In certain instances yes. I believe in order to have a good relationship you must be able to balance eachother out with your differences. If two people are too alike in every way, there are bound to be issues to arise.
13) Dream job?
In reality: I would love to have a succesful event planning service where I would plan giant extravagant weddings and other parties.
In my dreams: I would love to sing.
14) Favorite channel(s)?
I tend to watch HBO, Showtime, TBS and Fox most often. I love my True Blood & Entourage on HBO, Weeds, Dexter and Californication on Showtime, TBS has everything: Friends, The Office, Family Guy and same with Fox.
15) Favorite place to go on weekends?
Head to Scott, Brandon, Kenny and A-Rods place in Mission Beach then heading out to the bars.
16) Showers or Baths?
Shower... I did wake up in the bath tub this weekend though...
17) Do you paint your nails?
On rare occasions. Whenever I paint them myself, I normally fuck them up by not waiting until theyre fully dry to do something. But i did get a manicure the other day which was the first time in like 2 years Ive gotten one, and I fixed them myself today on the places where they chipped and they actually came out really good!
18) Do you trust people easily?
When I'm drunk I tend to tell people things easier, but normally I don't go spilling all my secrets to just anyone, no matter how many drinks Ive had. So no, I do not trust people easily. They need to prove to me that I can trust them.
19) What are your phobias?
I have an irrational fear of going in the ocean because I'm beyond terrified of sharks. Even though I know youre more likely to get struck by lightening then get attacked by a shark. But still. TERRIFIED.
20) Do you want kids?
When the time is right, of course I do. I would love a big family. I only grew up with one brother, so I would like to have more than 2 so there would be more in the family.
21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
I did when I was younger. I wanted to start one up again, but never got around to it.
22) Where would you rather be right now?
In New Jersey. With my family. Sleeping in my own bed. Waking up in my own bedroom.
23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
There's no special someone at the current moment.
24) Heavy or light sleeper?
SUPER light sleeper. I wake up every morning from my roommates going to work. They're so damn loud, but even if they weren't loud, I'd still wake up at the sound of the door open or close, or the sound of them walking in the hall.
25) Are you paranoid?
I wouldn't say paranoid, I would say worried about what is to come in the future.
26) Are you impatient?
In certain situations yes. Especially while driving. I can't stand when people drive too slowly or wait too long to go when the light turns green.
27) Who can you relate to?
Thats a hard question, but I can name the top 5 people I can relate to: Meghan, Casey, Kelley, Emily & Michelle -- The lovessss of my life.
28) How do you feel about interracial couples?
Love is love, I'm not one to judge.
29) Have you been burned by love?
It wasn't love.
30) What's your favorite pick-up line?
HAHA the best one used on me in a while, I was at the Japanese takeout place, where I ordered "the chicken bowl with all white meat chicken" and the guy asked me if I always get white meat, and I said yes because the dark meat is too gross and fatty. And he said, you should try the dark meat every once in a while and he winked at me. (he had darker skin)
31) What's your main ring tone on your mobile?
My phones on vibrate 99.9% of the time. I cant stand those ringtones that come with the phone so I'll make my own ringtone from a song and use it, but I never hear it because its always on vibrate.
32) What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was about to get into bed, but Michelle and Glenn were at a wedding last night and called and asked me if I could give them a ride home so they didn't have to take a cab. So i gladly did.
33) What did the last text on your cellphone say?
"Yeah have him come! That way we can walk in with ppl haha. I hope not, Andy said everyone is dressing up."
34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
My bed of course.
35) What color shirt are you wearing?
A black long sleeve hoodie with green, red blue and yellow stripes on it.
36) Most recent movie you watched?
Pride & Glory with Michelle and Glenn this afternoon. It was INTENSE.
37) Name three things you have on you at all times?
Cell phone, wallet, chapstick.
38.) What color are your bed sheets?
Light purple
39) How much cash do you have on you right now?
Mmmm I'd say about $3 haha. I never carry cash on me. Thats what credit cards are for.
40) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
I tend to only eat the white meat from the chicken breasts. Hate dark meat and will not eat anything straight off the bone.
41) What's your favorite town/city?
Ya know, I haven't been around enough to know. As of now, my favorite place is a tie between Greenville, NC haha (its where I went to school, not because its really nice or anything) or San Diego, where I currently live.
42) I can't wait till:
I get a full time job and make some money so I have the means to travel to London.
43) What are you currently watching?
True Blood just ended, it was crazy intense, and now Entourage is starting
44) What did you have for dinner last night?
I actually didn't eat dinner. I had a late lunch of Sausage and Potatoes and Rice and a Salad from the cafeteria at work.
45) How tall are you barefoot?
46) Do you own a gun?
Sure don't! Right before I moved I found out my Dad has one, and I was slightly shocked that I didn't know.
47) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Orange Juice. I like coffee, but I don't NEED it like a lot of people.
48) What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
My sense of humor. I'm not afraid to laugh at myself.
49) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
Somewhere with a full time job, maybe a husband (I'll only be 33, thats still young! At the least hopefuly a boyfriend) and hopefuly I'll be happy. Thats what matters.
50) Last thing you ate?
BBQ Chicken Sandwich with Mozz cheese. Yumzo!
51) What songs do you sing in the shower?
I normally only sing in the shower if I play music while I'm in there, which I normally don't.
52) Last thing that made you laugh?
Michelle and I talking about how much Jeff has been pissing us off lately and how we're on EXACTLY the same page on how we feel.
53) Worst injury you've ever had?
The worst? Oyy how do I pick? I'd have to say my broken arm. It was the most painful and I had the most issues with it afterwards. When I broke it, I broke it in half right in the middle of my forearm, so when it bent, my arm was in the shape of an "M" and then about a week after I broke it and they reset my bones in the hospital, my bones shifted and were no longer aligned and had started healing wrong. It took 4 different doctors to figure out what was wrong: my cast was too lose, so my arm would be moving around inside the cast and where my arm was broken, it was acting as a joint (like an elbow) and it was bending inside the cast. So then they had to rebreak my arm (WITHOUT TELLING ME and without any pain meds) to reset it. It was a miserable experience. Oh and then I was in a cast up to my armpit for 4 months. MISERABLE.
54) Does someone have a crush on you?
I wouldn't know.
55) What's your favorite candy?
I love Butterfingers! Oh and MallowCups! Oh and Pink Starbursts! Oh and Twix! MmMm Candyyyy!
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